I went for a basketball tournament + training with escaping school.
it had use my 2 weeks time
after i went back. many thing goes not right...
*i get fourth place for the basketball, anyway what i wan to say is. we improve ^^
first , is the big gang of our form5. not my class.
but the science stream. we use to be living under a same roof .yes! its including me~
but after i back, they were separate into 2 groups. and i can feel the temper between them.
this is a fact yet not my feeling, but i am so coward to ask them. hrmm. should i be so KEPO to ask them or...just do nothing . 5 of us, maybe just left 4 or two!?
me and ai chia!? .. i don't know what will happen next.. i only know the war in our form will never end. and my class always be the safety place. Us! were always be in peaceful ~ hAA le Lu ya~ =)
next, is my junior friends. 5 girls of 3BB now were separate into 2 class too
and now, the one who stay in second class feel not right with the first class. not the jealousy, yet they shown out the attitude for her~
the first class..they ignore to other even with me. and now i understand that they were the type "need you close you" not to mean talk their bad behind them , but this is what they shown out . yes! they were like that. and their behavior hurt that girl so much. i hope they will realize what is the wrong with them.
now, is about me and a boy who is my junior. actually this happen not after the tournament its happen in the beginning of this year. i use to be his stupid friend. we joke , we stupid, and we will have a close chat too. sometime time when my mood not right i will tell him too. but i duno when,we start to b cool with each other. our text is only have something important to tell. he not asking me to tell him fairy tale , he not come and kepo my thing. and now, i feel the "hate" with him when he appeared in the same event with me. i will not go and spam his wall or else. i duno why..
i just hope this will recover as former, i dun want to lost a cool and crazy friend like him..
he is the one who appear in my blog post before. find out yourself ^^
maybe this thing will not be settled , maybe can. the future thing we will not know.
i will not do any judgment on someone because i dun have the qualified to.
as i know to being myself =)
someone tell me this, and i saw a text on facebook to day:
why they don't like you when u being you,
it is why are you wasting your time worrying what they think of you
if you are not hurting anyone with your action keep moving in your life